But which affiliate program is best if you are just starting out. Although ClickBank is among the largest and most well known, there may be better alternatives for you if you want to make money quickly. Before ClickBank will send out your first check, they require that you generate sales from 5 separate credit cards. PayPal purchases do not count toward this total. In many cases, you may have to generate 10 to 12 sales before qualifying to get your first check. This could take you 5 to 6 months if you are just starting out.
If you have a PayPal account, a better alternative may be to use PayDotCom’s affiliate program. They have no minimum requirements. They will credit the money you earn directly into your PayPal account in the month following your first sale, regardless of the amount. If you need o earn money quickly, this is a much better alternative for you.
Although PayDotCom does not offer quite as many products as ClickBank, they offer a fairly large selection of diversified products. Their marketplace works very much like ClickBank’s. They give a numerical rating to each product so you can determine which products sell well.
Before jumping into the first affiliate program you see, investigate their terms of service. What appears to be the best program may not be the ideal program if you are just starting out.
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