Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Becoming An Affiliate For ClickBank Products

Becoming An Affiliate For ClickBank Products: "The Internet is the virtual land of opportunity. Because of the technology that allows us to connect to literally millions of people all around the world, there is practically nobody who we can't reach as a potential customer and buyer of our product or service. There's only one catch. What if you don't have a product or service? What if you don't have a clue how to create a product or start a service based company?
Clickbank to the rescue.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you have no doubt heard about Clickbank. Clickbank officially started on August 5, 1997. They are based out of Boise, Idaho. But that doesn't stop them from reaching customers and vendors from all over the world. Clickbank is probably the largest marketplace on the Internet.
So what does this have to do with selling a product or service?"
If you make your way to the Clickbank web site, you will find that they sell thousands of products of all kinds, from health to money making to sports products. Most of these are what are called electronic or informational products. This means that the product can be easily downloaded or accessed on the Internet directly without having to have the product sent to your home or business via postal mail. This is a very convenient thing for both buyers and sellers. Buyers don't have to wait for delivery and sellers don't have to stock inventory. It's a wonderful world.

And the best part of this world is that YOU can be a part of it. You don't need your own product to sell. Clickbank has plenty to choose from. All you need to do is go to the site, register as an affiliate and then choose one of their many products to sell. This is very easy to do. All you need is your Clickbank nickname to plug into the product code and your set. This nickname is given to you upon signup. This one action gives you access to be able to sell literally thousands of products if you so choose. The income potential as a Clickbank affiliate can be quite great.

The biggest problem is deciding what to sell. After all, unless you have unlimited advertising resources, there are only so many products you can promote at one time. Of course there are ways around that, but they're better left for more advanced topics. For now, however, you want to decide what would be the best product for you to sell based on your interests.

The Clickbank Marketplace listings to the rescue.

If you look through any of the many categories of products you will find them listed in order of popularity, which is actually computed from a rather complex formula. The products listed at the top are usually the hottest sellers. These are the ones that you will most likely have the easiest time selling, in theory that is. Unfortunately, these products are also usually sold by the greatest number of affiliates, so the competition you're bound to run into can be quite fierce. But at least with this listing you have a good starting point.

As profitable as it can be to sell other people's products through Clickbank, it can be even more profitable to sell your own products through Clickbank.

That will be the topic of our next article.

1 comment:

  1. there is so much free content out there, it makes it easy to build your own products, thats when I realy started to see a change in my income stream
