Believe it or not, this 3-minute article will reveal to you how you too can cash in with the ClickBank affiliate program and generate large affiliate commissions. If you have ever wanted to know how you can start making money online by promoting ClickBank affiliate products and without spending a penny on advertising, now it's your chance to discover how I do it in 3 quick STEPS. Before we go any further I want to share with you a few ClickBank insider secrets:
a. All you need to get started is a ClickBank affiliate nickname which you can get at It's 100% free to sign-up and you can start promoting a product within minutes.
b. It is fairly easy for someone to hijack a ClickBank affiliate code and steal your commissions. Also, it is fairly easy to protect your ClickBank commissions and make a nice living on the web solely with ClickBank."
c. The ClickBank marketplace makes it easy to earn commissions as a ClickBank affiliate by browsing up to 10,000 digital products like eBooks, software tools, services, etc.
Now, that I have told you these facts, I want to let you know how I generate ClickBank affiliate commissions with zero advertising costs, quickly and easily:
STEP #1 - I pick products that pay at least $30 per sale. The ClickBank network contains over 10,000 products and services. You can easily get confused and overwelmed with so many products. If you want to make real money I suggest you pick a ClickBank product that pays at least $30 in commissions. You can search ClickBank for vendors that allow you to get 75% commissions... if a product sells for $67, 75% off $67 means over $50. HINT: there are loads of ClickBank vendors that pay high commissions in the 60-75% range. So stick with them! This is an easy way to skyrocket your ClickBank affiliate commissions.
STEP #2 - I create a mini course to promote the product.
FACT: marketing studies show that on average a person needs to see an advertisement for about 7 times before they decide to buy the product or not (online or offline) Here comes the most exciting part - autoresponders can help you send out e-mails to your prospects (potential buyers) and turn them into real customers who order from you again and again. Once I pick a ClickBank product, I review it carefully by buying a copy of it and testing it wisely. If I like it, I'm going to create a 5-part course containing mini lessons targeted to the ClickBank product I promote. If the one I pick is related to dog training, then I'm going to create a 5-part course with dog training tips, tricks and techniques. Each lesson will be uploaded onto my autoresponder and each e-mail will contain a link to a separate page on my site where the lead will read the lesson and a mini review of the ClickBank product I recommend. TIP: never promote more than 2 or 3 ClickBank related products on the same web page. You don't want to confuse your reader. When I am offered too many options I get confused about buying, and I'm not going to order due to this fact alone.
STEP #3 - I create a mini page review.
If you truly want to boost your ClickBank commissions you owe it to yourself to create a mini page review of the product you recommend. Here's what your review needs to contain:
a. write a few paragraphs about why you like the product and why you recommend it to your reader. Offer positive and negative aspects as well. b. add 2 or 3 testimonials from happy customers. You can snatch testimonials from the ClickBank vendor site or you can ask those who already purchased from your ClickBank affiliate link to send you their feedback. In return you should promise them a special bonus and tell them you're going to publish their comment as a testimonial on your web page. HINT: this is a mutual benefit. You get new testimonials that the vendor site hasn't - your visitors will trust you more than the vendor site (product owner). Your customer will get your bonus and have a link on your site that should bring them some nice exposure to their business.
In conclusion, if you follow these 3 powerful tactics below, you're going to make large ClickBank commissions with zero advertising costs, quickly and easily

great article